
Engraver reign of *Ramesses II 1304-1237 BC.
    The scenes in the tombs, belonging to craftsmen who lived at the royal workmen's town of Deir el Medina at Thebes, have preserved a vivid and colourful account of their activities and aspirations.
    Ipuy was an engraver during the reign of *Ramesses II and the scenes in his tomb at Deir el Medina illustrate a range of subjects, including the manufacture and preparation of his funerary furniture and his funeral procession. There are also agricultural activities such as wine-pressing, and a famous scene shows Ipuy working a shaduf (ancient water device) to bring water from the river to nurture the plants in his garden, while his pet dog looks on.
Biographical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt by Rosalie and Antony E. David

Ancient Egypt. A Reference Guide. . 2011.