
Osorkon III
(reigned c. 777–749 BC)
   Throne name Usimaatre setepenamun. Epithet siese. Ruler of Dynasty 23. Son of Queen Karomama. He is attested mainly by monuments in Thebes and Middle Egypt. He installed his son, Takelot III, as high priest of Amun in Karnak and his daughter, Shepenwepet I, as God’s wife of Amun. He was recognized as ruler in Thebes and Middle Egypt.
   See also Osorkon; Rudamun.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier
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see Amenardis I, Shepenopet I.
Biographical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt by Rosalie and Antony E. David

Ancient Egypt. A Reference Guide. . 2011.