Egyptian god. Horus was originally a sky god identified with the ruler during the Early Dynastic Period who bore a Horus name ina serekhas part of the royaltitulary. In later legend, Horus became the son of Osiris and Isis and the legitimate ruler of Egypt upon his father’s death. In his former aspect, he was worshipped as Haroeris or Horus the elder and in the latter as Harpocrates or Horus the child, often depicted as a youth with a sidelock protected by his mother. Horus was also identified with the sun god Re and was worshipped as Re-Harakhty. His sacred animal was the hawk, and his particular places of worship were at Hierakonpolis and Edfu. The udjat-eye of Horus was considered a potent amulet.
See also Religion.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier
Ancient Egypt. A Reference Guide. EdwART. 2011.