Modern name for the city of Itjtawy, capital of Dynasty 12 located in the Fayum. The town itself is unexcavated, but the pyramidsof Amenemhat Iand his son, Senusret I, and their officials are located nearby. The site was excavated by the French from 1894–1995 and the Metropolitan Museum of Art from 1906–1934 and 1984–1989.
See also Bacchias; Deir el-Naqlun; Gurob; Harageh; Hawara; Intefyoker; Karanis; Kom Khelwa; Kom Talit; Lahun; Medinet Madi; Soknopaiou Nesos; Tebtunis.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier
Ancient Egypt. A Reference Guide. EdwART. 2011.