
1) исследование; испытание; тест, проба; опыт; анализ; исследовать; испытывать; проверять; производить анализ
2) реакция
3) реактив
4) биом. критерий

to put to test — подвергать испытанию

- ring test
- absorption test
- acetic-acid test
- acetylene reduction test
- agglutination inhibition test
- agglutination test
- albumin test
- allergic test
- allium test
- anti-DNA test
- anti-DNAase test
- approximate test
- association test
- bench test
- binomial test
- biuret test
- blank test
- blind test
- blood test
- blood-compatibility test
- blood-sedimentation test
- breath-holding test
- chi-squared test
- cis-trans test
- closed field test
- complement fixation test
- complementation test
- conditional test
- conservative test
- consistent test
- corner test
- creatine test
- cross-immunization test
- cross-interference test
- cross-neutralization test
- crude test
- direct immunofluorescence test
- discrimination test
- efficient test
- enzyme test
- equal-tails test
- F test
- factor-reversal test
- fermentation test
- fixation test
- flocculation test
- fragility test
- freezing test
- functional test
- germination test
- glucose tolerance test
- grouping test
- heterokaryon test
- histoplasmin test
- homogeneity test
- immunobead test
- immunodiffusion test
- immunofluorescence test
- immunophagocytosis test
- incest test
- indirect hemagglutination test
- indirect immunofluorescence test
- inoculation test
- interfacial precipitin test
- invariant test
- laboratory test
- large-sample test
- latex fixation test
- linkage test
- mirror absorption test
- multiple t test
- multiwell tray test
- nitric-acid test
- odor test
- omnibus test
- one-sided test
- open field test
- orthogonal tests
- orthostatic test
- over-all test
- permutation test
- precipitation test
- progeny test
- protection test
- protein test
- provocative test
- range test
- ratio test
- rosette test
- rough test
- routine test
- SAFA test
- segregational test
- sensitization test
- serodiagnostic test
- serum test
- sign test
- single tail test
- single test
- sippage test
- solid-phase aggregation of coupled erythrocytes test
- soluble antigen fluorescent antibody test
- SPACE test
- Student's test
- test of additivity
- test of goodness of fit
- test of homogeneity
- test of hypothesis
- test of linearity
- test of normality
- test of randomness
- test of significance
- three-decision test
- tolerance test
- transplantation test
- tube agglutination test
- unbiased test
- vitality test
- X-ray test
* * *
семенная кожура

English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.