precedent pre‧ce‧dent [ˈpresdnt] noun [countable]
LAW an official action or decision which can be used later to support another legal decision:
• The injunction on imports could set a precedent for other patent-infringement cases.
• Solicitors are aiming to follow a precedent established several years ago.
— see also condition precedent* * *
precedent UK US /ˈpresɪdənt/ noun [C]
► LAW a previous action or decision that can be used as a reason for allowing something else: »
The ruling can serve as a precedent to challenge other similar cases.
»A judgement against the fund could set a precedent for compensation payments to more of its 6,000 investors.
»This is an experiment without precedent in economic history.
a bad/dangerous/good precedent »This law sets a very dangerous precedent for all businesses.
»create/establish/provide a precedent
»a legal precedent
»base sth on/follow a precedent
Financial and business terms. 2012.