preferential pref‧e‧ren‧tial [ˌprefəˈrenʆl◂] adjective [only before a noun]
preferential treatment, a preferential rate etc is deliberately more favourable in order to give an advantage to particular people, organizations etc:
• Norway develops domestic oil companies by giving them preferential treatment in awarding oil-field licenses.
• If you find you need to borrow more, we'll charge you a special preferential rate.
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preferential UK US /ˌprefərˈenʃəl/ adjective [before noun]
► better than that which is given to others: »
It is not acceptable, in a modern company, to give preferential treatment to your relatives and friends.
»Bananas from Caribbean countries have traditionally enjoyed preferential access to the EU.
preferential rates/terms/arrangements »Members can get preferential terms on services such as free mortgage valuations and discounts on personal loans.
Financial and business terms. 2012.