
Federal Reserve System
The central bank of the U.S., established in 1913, and governed by the Federal Reserve Board located in Washington, D.C. The system includes 12 Federal Reserve Banks and is authorized to regulate monetary policy in the U.S. as well as to supervise Federal Reserve member banks, bank holding companies, international operations of U.S.banks, and U.S.operations of foreign banks. The New York Times Financial Glossary
A central banking system in the United States, created by the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, designed to assist the nation in attaining its economic and financial goals. The structure of the Federal Reserve System includes a Board of Governors, the Federal Open Market Committee, and 12 Federal Reserve Banks. Chicago Board of Trade glossary
The monetary authority of the US, established in 1913, and governed by the Federal Reserve Board located in Washington, D.C. The system includes 12 Federal Reserve Banks and is authorized to regulate monetary policy in the US as well as to supervise Federal Reserve member banks, bank holding companies ( holding company), international operations of US banks, and US operations of foreign banks. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary
FRS - The central banking system of the USA, made up of a number of regional Federal Reserve banks which regulate banking activities. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein financial glossary

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Federal Reserve System ˌFederal Reˈserve ˌSystem abbreviation FRS noun ORGANIZATIONS BANKING
the US central bank. It consists of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks and sets banking rules, controls the money (= the amount of money in the economy) and manages the clearing (= the system for making payments between banks):

• The Federal Reserve System has committed itself to fighting the recession with lower interest rates.

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   Established in 1913, the Federal Reserve System is the central bank system of the US. Although its board is selected by the US president, it is considered to be an independent entity. It comprises the Federal Reserve Board, the 12 Federal Reserve Banks, their 24 branches and all national and state member banks. They regulate money supply, set reserve requirements, supervise printing of currency, act as a clearing house for the transfer of funds throughout the banking system and ensure that member banks meet Federal Reserve regulations.
   ► See also Federal Reserve Board, FOMC.

Financial and business terms. 2012.