
Bill written by a seller of goods or services and submitted to the purchaser. The New York Times Financial Glossary

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I. invoice in‧voice 1 [ˈɪnvɔɪs] noun [countable] ACCOUNTING
1. a document sent by a seller to a customer with details of goods or services that have been provided, their price, and the payment date:

• We require suppliers to submit invoices with services clearly categorized.

conˈsignment ˌinvoice ACCOUNTING
an export invoice used when goods are sent to someone who is acting for the owner, and who must either sell them or return them to the owner
elecˈtronic ˌinvoice ACCOUNTING
an invoice held on computer, not on paper:

• How do you validate an electronic invoice that lacks an individual's signature?

ˈexport ˌinvoice ACCOUNTING
an official invoice used when exporting goods, giving details of goods in a form acceptable to Customs authorities
ˌfalse ˈinvoice ACCOUNTING
an invoice that does not relate to a real sale and is used to defraud (= cheat someone):

• An accountant has been dismissed after the discovery of £109,000 in false invoices.

ˌfinal ˈinvoice ACCOUNTING
an invoice giving details of the exact price remaining to be paid:

• About ten weeks before departure, you will receive a final invoice showing the total cost of your holiday.

oˌriginal ˈinvoice ACCOUNTING
the first copy where there are one or more copies of the same invoice:

• The original invoice will be processed through the financial accounts and the copy invoice through the cost accounts.

outˌstanding ˈinvoice ACCOUNTING
an invoice that has not been paid:

• The overspend last year was due to payment of outstanding invoices before the end of the financial year.

pro-ˌforma ˈinvoice
1. ACCOUNTING an invoice sent to a customer asking for payment before goods are sent, often done when the buyer is a new customer:

• The supplier may issue a payment request note or a pro forma invoice.

2. COMMERCE an invoice sent to a possible buyer as an example of prices etc of different goods:

• Dealer inquiries welcome - discount rates and pro forma invoices on request.

ˈpurchase ˌinvoice ACCOUNTING
the name given to an invoice by the buyer of the goods or services involved:

• Any purchase invoices should be checked and entered into the purchases day book.

ˈsales ˌinvoice ACCOUNTING
the name given to an invoice by the seller of the goods or services involved:

• The builder prepares the final account and sales invoice for the client.

ˈtax ˌinvoice ACCOUNTING TAX
in Britain, an invoice giving details of VAT (= a form of sales tax) to be paid:

• The seller will issue a tax invoice, accounting for tax on the full selling price.

2. issue/​raise an invoice COMMERCE to prepare and send an invoice or to arrange for one to be prepared and sent:

• An invoice raised in April related to the first stage of the contract payment.

3. chase up an invoice informal COMMERCE to try to persuade someone to pay an unpaid invoice:

• On completion of a job I give a report to the client, raise invoices and if necessary chase them up.

  [m0] II. invoice invoice 2 verb [transitive] ACCOUNTING
to prepare an invoice and send it to a customer:
invoice somebody for something

• We'll invoice you for any damage to the rented car.

— invoicing noun [uncountable] :

• We handle the whole process, from the receipt of the customer's order to invoicing.

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invoice UK US /ˈɪnvɔɪs/ noun [C] FINANCE
a document that lists things provided or work done, gives their cost, and asks for payment: raise/generate an invoice »

I raised an invoice for work done last year and use last month.

issue/send/submit an invoice »

The supplier must issue an invoice for all taxable supplies.


pay/settle an invoice

See also CONSIGNMENT INVOICE(Cf. ↑consignment invoice), ELECTRONIC INVOICE(Cf. ↑electronic invoice), EXPORT INVOICE(Cf. ↑export invoice), FALSE INVOICE(Cf. ↑false invoice), FINAL INVOICE(Cf. ↑final invoice), ORIGINAL INVOICE(Cf. ↑original invoice), PRO FORMA INVOICE(Cf. ↑pro forma invoice), PURCHASE INVOICE(Cf. ↑purchase invoice), SALES INVOICE(Cf. ↑sales invoice), TAX INVOICE(Cf. ↑tax invoice)
invoice UK US /ˈɪnvɔɪs/ verb [T] FINANCE
to supply a list of things provided or work done together with their cost, asking for payment: invoice sb for sth »

At the end of the month, please invoice us for all freelance work completed.

Financial and business terms. 2012.