
digital di‧gi‧tal [ˈdɪdʒtl] adjective
1. TELECOMMUNICATIONS digital electronic equipment receives sound and pictures from binary electrical signals (= signals using the numbers 0 and 1):

• a digital camera

• a recording on digital audiotape

2. MARKETING relating to a business activity that uses the Internet:

• the digital marketing industry

3. the digital divide COMPUTING TELECOMMUNICATIONS the difference between the people that own computers and know how to use the Internet and those that do not

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digital UK US /ˈdɪdʒɪtəl/ adjective
IT, COMMUNICATIONS using a system that can be used by a computer and other electronic equipment, in which information is sent and received in electronic form as a series of the numbers 1 and 0: »

digital content/data/information


digital camera/photography/image


digital television/TV/radio


After the switchover all our TV channels went digital.

Compare ANALOGUE(Cf. ↑analogue)
IT, INTERNET relating to computer technology, especially the internet: »

The business has invested heavily in the latest digital technology.


In the digital world, the tools available to a marketer are utterly different.


The magazine that year ranked YouTube as one of its top ten digital brands.

showing information as whole numbers rather than in another form such as a picture, graph, etc.: »

The unit has a clear digital display showing the temperature and humidity.


a digital watch/clock/alarm clock

digitally /ˈdɪdʒɪtəli/ adverb

The system captures CCTV images and stores them digitally on hard disk.

Financial and business terms. 2012.