
negligence neg‧li‧gence [ˈneglɪdʒns] noun [uncountable]
LAW failure to take enough care over something that you are responsible for, for which you may have to pay Damages:

• The captain of the ship was accused of negligence in carrying out safety procedures.

• The jury found the company guilty of gross (= very serious ) negligence and awarded the dead man's family $10 million.

conˌtributory ˈnegligence LAW
when the injuries suffered by someone were partly caused by their own carelessness. A court can reduce the amount of Damages which an injured person receives if the accident involved contributory negligence:

• The plaintiff's damages were reduced for his contributory negligence in riding with a drunken driver and failing to wear a seat belt.

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negligence UK US /ˈneglɪdʒəns/ noun [U] LAW
failure to give enough care or attention to someone or something that you are responsible for: alleged/criminal/professional negligence »

She is claiming damages for alleged negligence in the handling of a commercial transaction.


The company was sued for gross negligence after the death of the two employees.

See also CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE(Cf. ↑contributory negligence)

Financial and business terms. 2012.