
An actual physical commodity someone is buying or selling, e.g., soybeans, corn, gold, silver, Treasury bonds, etc. Also referred to as actuals. Chicago Board of Trade glossary
The physical or cash commodity, which is different from a futures contract.
See cash commodity. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary
The physical commodities ( physical commodity) underlying a futures contract. cash commodity, physical asset. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary
The physical or cash commodity, as distinguished from futures contracts. Exchange Handbook Glossary

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actuals ac‧tu‧als [ˈæktʆuəlz] noun [plural] ACCOUNTING
figures relating to something that has actually happened, rather than what was expected; = OUTTURN:

• comparisons of actuals with budgets

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   Also called physicals. Refers to the physical commodities available for shipment, storage and manufacture. Actuals available for delivery are traded for cash on a spot or forward basis.

Financial and business terms. 2012.