
An association of persons who participate in the business of buying or selling futures contracts or futures options. A forum or place where traders gather to buy or sell economic goods. With the advent of the computerized exchange, it is difficult to say exactly "where" an exchange is located anymore, for example, the Eurex is " headquartered" in Frankfurt, Germany, but most of its business is conducted in the U.S.
See also board of trade or contract market.
Exchanges in the US:
Cantor Exchange ( CX)
Chicago Board of Trade (CBT)
Chicago Mercantile Exchange ( CME)
Kansas City Board of Trade ( KCBT)
Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX)
New York Board of Trade (NYBOT)
New York Mercantile Exchange ( NYMEX)
International Exchanges:
Bourse de Montreal (ME)
EUREX Frankfurt ( EUREX)
Euronext Amsterdam/Brussels/Paris (ENP)
Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing Ltd. ( HKEx)
International Petroleum Exchange of London ( IPE)
London International Financial Futures Exchange ( LIFFE)
Singapore Commodity Exchange Ltd. (SICOM)
Singapore Exchange Ltd. (SGX)
Sydney Futures Exchange Corporation Ltd. ( SFE)
The Tokyo Commodity Exchange ( TOCOM)
The Tokyo International Financial Futures Exchange ( TIFFE)
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange (WCE) The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary
A marketplace in which shares, options and futures on stocks, bonds, commodities ( commodity), and indexes are traded. Principal U.S. stock exchanges are: New York Stock Exchange ( NYSE), American Stock Exchange ( AMEX), and National Association of Securities Dealers Automatic Quotation System ( Nasdaq). Bloomberg Financial Dictionary
An exchange provides access to capital and facilitates securities dealing through speedy and innovative trading platforms and services. An exchange is also responsible for delivering an orderly market. London Stock Exchange Glossary
Central location in which financial instruments ( shares, bonds, etc.) are bought and sold. Exchanges are a source of financing for a country's economy. They allow private and publicly owned companies and local and central government to raise funds to finance their investments. In France, the exchange is operated by Euronext Paris. NYSE Euronext Glossary

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I. exchange ex‧change 1 [ɪksˈtʆeɪndʒ] noun
1. [countable] FINANCE a market where goods, services, or shares are bought and sold, in return for money:

• the London International Financial Futures Exchange

• the London Metal Exchange

comˈmodity exˌchange [countable] FINANCE
a place where people can buy and sell raw products or materials such as grain or metals in large quantities:

• the Singapore Commodity Exchange

ˈfutures exˌchange [countable] FINANCE
a place where futures contract S (= contracts to pay a particular price for the delivery of a particular amount of something in the future) are bought and sold:

• At the Chicago Board of Trade, the world's largest futures exchange, total futures and options volume fell 9.7% last year.

ˈmercantile exˌchange [countable] FINANCE
a place where people meet to buy and sell things, often Commodities (= oil, metals, farm products etc):

• the Chicago Mercantile Exchange

ˈoptions exˌchange [countable] FINANCE
a market where option S are traded
ˈstock exˌchange [countable] FINANCE
a market where company shares are traded; = STOCKMARKET:

• Companies listed on the Madrid stock exchange dropped about 3% this year.

• the New York Stock Exchange

2. COMMERCE corn/​wool/​cotton exchange a large building in a town, that was used in the past for buying and selling corn, wool etc:

• an historic old corn exchange

3. [uncountable] also foreign exchange FINANCE the activity of buying and selling currencies; = FOREX:

• We have recently seen the removal of exchange controls (= limits on the amount of currency you are allowed to exchange ) .

• huge foreign exchange deals

• They also made healthy profits in their foreign exchange operations.

— see also exchange rate
diˈrect exˌchange
[uncountable] FINANCE when one currency is exchanged directly for another, without using that of a third country
ˈindirect exˌchange
[uncountable] FINANCE exchange between two countries using the currency of a third country
4. [uncountable] FINANCE money in the currency of a foreign country, for example money obtained through exports:

• When oil prices were depressed, Mexico made a great effort to promote manufactured exports as an alternative source of foreign exchange.

• The Suez Canal is one of Egypt's main foreign exchange earners.

5. [countable, uncountable] when you accept one thing in return for another:

• the exchange of goods and services

• Tickets cannot be accepted back for exchange or re-sale.

inforˈmation exˌchange [uncountable] COMPUTING
when information is passed between people or organizations, by means of computer equipment:

• We seek to promote information exchange between users and potential users of expert systems.

6. [countable] JOBS an arrangement in which two people from different countries, areas etc do each other's jobs for a period of time:

• He was on a six-month exchange at the factory where her father was works manager.

  [m0] II. exchange exchange 2 verb [transitive]
1. to give someone something and receive something in return:

• The new system allows marketing data as well as orders and invoices to be exchanged.

exchange something for something

• Around £2 billion is exchanged for chips in casinos every year.

2. COMMERCE if a shop or company exchanges something you have bought, they take it back and give you a new one, for example because the thing you first bought has a fault:

• The store will not exchange goods without a receipt.

3. if you exchange money, you get money in one currency for money in another:

• Where can I exchange my dollars for pounds?

4. exchange contracts PROPERTY to complete the final stage of buying a house or other property by signing a contract with the person you are buying it from:

• The firm had just exchanged contracts on a nine-acre site.

— see also exchange of contracts

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   An exchange provides a safe environment in which market participants can trade. Regulated exchanges are like clubs in that they have approved members and a formal set of rules to govern members' behaviour.

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exchange UK US /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ noun
[C] a place or organization where shares, currencies, commodities, etc. are bought and sold: »

Exchanges in France and Germany rose by about 2%.


As the demand for a stock rises and falls on the exchange, the price for the stock will fluctuate.

[U] MONEY, FINANCE the process of changing one currency for another: »

We offer commission-free exchange at our UK ports.

exchange of sth »

Deregulation prevented any barrier to the free exchange of currencies.

[C or U] an occasion when you give or return something to someone and they give you something else: »

If an item is faulty you are guaranteed a refund or an exchange.

exchange of sth »

You may request an exchange of any or all of your shares into another mutual fund in the group.


information/knowledge exchange

[C] an agreement in which two people or groups visit each other's home, place of work, or place of study for a short time in order to learn more about them: on an exchange »

There will be the opportunity to visit Germany on an exchange.


an exchange programme/visit/scheme

[C or U] COMMUNICATIONS an occasion when one person communicates with another, and the other person replies: »

There was an angry exchange at the meeting.


The e-mail exchange between them was released to the court along with other documents.

in exchange (for sth) — Cf. in exchange for sth
See also B2B EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑B2B exchange), BALTIC EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑Baltic Exchange), BILL OF EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑bill of exchange), CHICAGO BOARD OPTIONS EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑Chicago Board Options Exchange), COMMODITY EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑commodity exchange), CURRENCY EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑currency exchange), DIRECT EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑direct exchange), DUPLICATE OF EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑duplicate of exchange), ELECTRONIC DATA EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑electronic data exchange), FOREIGN EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑foreign exchange), FUTURES EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑futures exchange), INDIRECT EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑indirect exchange), INFORMATION EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑information exchange), INTERNATIONAL SECURITIES EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑International Securities Exchange), LONDON COMMODITY EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑London Commodity Exchange), LONDON METAL EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑London Metal Exchange), LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑London Stock Exchange), MEDIUM OF EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑medium of exchange), MERCANTILE EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑mercantile exchange), THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑the New York Stock Exchange), OPTIONS EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑options exchange), PART EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑part exchange) noun, PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑private branch exchange), REGIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑regional stock exchange), THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION(Cf. ↑the Securities and Exchange Commission), SECURITIES EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑securities exchange), SHARE EXCHANGE OFFER(Cf. ↑share exchange offer), SINGLE-MINUTE EXCHANGE OF DIE(Cf. ↑Single-Minute Exchange of Die), STOCK EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑stock exchange), TELEPHONE EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑telephone exchange)
exchange UK US /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ verb
[T] to give or return something to someone and receive something from them: »

They shook hands and exchanged business cards.


If the goods are faulty you should be able to exchange them.

exchange sth for sth »

Under these schemes, shareholdings can be exchanged for units in a unit trust.

[T] FINANCE to change one currency into another: exchange sth for sth »

In this way we will save on the costs of exchanging euro for sterling and vice versa.

exchange sth into sth »

Larger hotels will exchange dollars into local currency.

[T] COMMUNICATIONS to communicate with someone who then replies: »

We exchanged a few words before the meeting began.

exchange sth with sb »

Users can create pages with photos and personal information, and exchange e-mail with other users.

[I or T] UK PROPERTY to sign a legal document with the person you are buying property from as the last part of the process of buying it: »

When you exchange, you must satisfy yourself that you are happy with the condition of the home you are moving into before you move.


We hope to exchange contracts next week.

Financial and business terms. 2012.