
The group of investments held by an investor. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary
A collection of financial assets belonging to a single owner. For example, the municipal bond portfolio. Risk in portfolios is reduced by diversification. American Banker Glossary
A collection of investments, real and/or financial. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary
A collection of securities held by an investor. Exchange Handbook Glossary
A portfolio is a collection of different investments that make up your total investment holding. Financial Services Glossary
A group of investments held across asset classes ( stocks, bonds, real estate, gold) or within the same asset class (exposure to stocks across companies and industries). London Stock Exchange Glossary

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portfolio port‧fo‧li‧o [pɔːtˈfəʊliəʊ ǁ pɔːrtˈfoʊlioʊ] noun
1. [countable] FINANCE a collection of shares owned by a person or company:

• European stocks make up 50% of his investment portfolio.

• a measure of portfolio performance

2. [countable] COMMERCE MARKETING all the products or services offered by a particular business:

• The company has struck a deal with a biotechnology company of similar size and product portfolio.

3. [countable, uncountable] the area of responsibility of a particular government minister in Britain or cabinet member in the US government:

• He was given the Agriculture portfolio.

• the Minister Without Portfolio (= with general responsibilities )

4. [countable] a large flat case, used especially for carrying drawings and documents

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   An investor's collection, or holding, of financial instruments.

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portfolio UK US /ˌpɔːtˈfəʊliəʊ/ noun [C] (plural portfolios)
FINANCE a collection of different investments that are owned by a particular person or organization: »

an investment portfolio


a property portfolio

have/hold a portfolio »

These funds are less risky because you hold a portfolio selected and monitored by a specialist manager.

build (up) a portfolio »

You could build up a portfolio including UK funds.

a balanced/diversified portfolio »

It's a diversified portfolio, which will lower the risk.

a global/international portfolio »

These funds are impossible to ignore if you want a broad international portfolio.

a bond/stock/share portfolio »

These shares should amount to no more than 10 or 20% of a stock portfolio.

COMMERCE, FINANCE the range of products or services that a company offers, or the businesses that someone owns: »

Customer reaction to our product portfolio has been extremely positive.


The hotel group's brand portfolio includes about 15 complementary brands, from luxury to budget hotels.

strong/broad portfolio »

We will continue to have a strong portfolio of businesses with an annual turnover of approximately £1.65bn.

build up/expand a portfolio »

He and associates want to build up a portfolio of money-making websites.

GOVERNMENT the particular job or area of responsibility that a member of a government has : »

One of the most significant changes is in the trade portfolio.

Financial and business terms. 2012.