
Money or property received when collateral is sold, exchanged, or collected. American Banker Glossary
money received by the seller of an asset. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary

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proceeds pro‧ceeds [ˈprəʊsiːdz ǁ ˈproʊ-] noun [plural]
1. FINANCE the money gained from selling something:

• Allied-Signal was planning to use the proceeds from the sale of Union Texas to reduce debt.

• cocaine-trafficking proceeds

2. the money that a business gets from Issuing (= selling) bonds, shares etc:

• San Diego will use the proceeds from the bond issue to acquire and install new police facilities.

1. the profit from selling assets after costs are taken away:

• PWA said net proceeds from the sale of the five aircraft will be about C$150 million.

2. the money obtained from a share or bond issue, after costs are taken away:

• UDR will use the $15.4 million net proceeds from the stock sale to reduce outstanding borrowings.

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proceeds UK US /ˈprəʊsiːdz/ noun [plural] FINANCE
the amount of money received from an activity, event, or the sale of assets: »

Most of the proceeds from the sale will be used to pay the retailer's debt.


Redemption proceeds of £1,000 or more can be transferred directly to the shareholder's bank account.

See also NET PROCEEDS(Cf. ↑net proceeds)

Financial and business terms. 2012.