Either (1) a bank, agent, trust company, or other organization responsible for safeguarding financial assets, or (2) the individual who oversees the mutual fund assets of a minor's custodial account. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary
The party that safekeeps and administers assets on behalf of the owner. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary
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custodian cus‧to‧di‧an [kʌˈstəʊdiən ǁ -ˈstoʊ-] noun [countable]
1. someone who is responsible for looking after something valuable for another person or for the public:
custodian of
• As the former custodian of Europe's strongest currency, the deutsche mark, the Bundesbank effectively dictated monetary policy across the Continent.
2. LAW in the US, someone who represents the interests of a child and is responsible for looking after their money and property :
• The custodian will manage the property if the gift giver dies before the child has reached the age specified by state law — usually 21.
3. BANKING FINANCE a financial institution that is responsible for looking after the assets of a mutual fund
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custodian UK US /kʌsˈtəʊdiən/ noun [C]
► LAW, FINANCE someone who has the legal right to manage and look after another person's money, investments, etc.: »
The report was sent to the owners and the custodians of the corporation's voting stock.
Financial and business terms. 2012.