
The issuance of an award under a stock plan, such as a stock option or shares of restricted stock. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary

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I. grant grant 1 [grɑːnt ǁ grænt] noun [countable] FINANCE
a sum of money given to a person or organization for a particular purpose, often by a government:

• West Berlin's Free University was founded with major grants from the Ford Foundation.

• The Arts Council awarded (= gave ) her a grant of £2200 for a photographic mission to the Andes.

ˈblock grant FINANCE
money given by central government to local government to help pay for services such as the police, roads etc:

• It is difficult to know whether a regional authority is using the money allocated for transport in the block grant for transport matters.

ˈcapital grant FINANCE
in Britain, a sum given by a government department to an organization for a particular investment:

• The UK has never given farmers cheap loans for investment schemes, as in France, instead of capital grants.

ˈdeath grant FINANCE
an amount of money that used to be paid in Britain to the relatives of someone who has just died to help pay the cost of their funeral
deˈvelopment grant FINANCE
money given by a government authority for economic development in a particular region:

• As poorer members of the EU, most regions in Spain and Portugal qualify for sizeable EU development grants.

ˌfederal ˈgrant FINANCE
a sum of money given by the central US government for a particular purpose:

• The communities will receive federal grants to carry out health care programs.

inˈvestment ˌgrant FINANCE
money given by the government to a business so that it can invest in buildings, machinery etc, usually in order to help economic development in a particular area:

• There are generous investment grants to car manufacturers from local authorities in Latin America.

ˈresearch ˌgrant FINANCE
a sum given by an organization to a person or institution in order to perform research:

• Glasgow University has just received a £1.5 million research grant from the Science and Engineering Research Council to carry out a project to increase the capacity of fibre-optic cables.

  [m0] II. grant grant 2 verb [transitive] LAW
to officially give a person or an organization something they have asked for:
grant somebody something

• The government granted the U.S. company timber rights to a 28,000-square-mile area.

• The company has been granted a temporary license to continue mining.

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grant UK US /grɑːnt/ noun [C]
GOVERNMENT, FINANCE an amount of money that is given to a person or an organization for a special purpose, especially by a government: a grant from sb/sth »

The research laboratory was set up with a grant from the Department of Health.

a grant for sth »

The company received a $10,000 grant for software development.

award/give sb a grant »

They were awarded a grant for stem cell research.


get/be given/receive a grant


be eligible for/qualify for a grant


You can apply for a grant to upgrade your IT systems.


a research/study grant


a government/federal/state grant


a grant application

See also BLOCK GRANT(Cf. ↑block grant), CAPITAL GRANT(Cf. ↑capital grant), DEATH GRANT(Cf. ↑death grant), DEVELOPMENT GRANT(Cf. ↑development grant), INVESTMENT GRANT(Cf. ↑investment grant), BLOCK GRANT(Cf. ↑block grant)
grant UK US /grɑːnt/ verb [T]
LAW, FINANCE to legally or officially give or allow something: grant permission to do sth »

Only the city council can grant permisssion to build on that site.

grant sth to sb/grant sb sth »

The authorities have granted special licenses to companies who are pioneering communications technology.

grant sb access/rights »

The draft agreement will grant the airline several other new rights within Europe.


grant sb a loan/mortgage


grant a licence/patent


grant an injunction/an extension/compensation


grant sb citizenship/a visa/asylum

Financial and business terms. 2012.