фин. наращение, компаундинг, начисление сложного процента (расчет будущей стоимости денежных потоков; процесс обратный дисконтированию)
In the case of monthly compounding, interest is added monthly to your principal, while in the case of annual compounding it is done annually. — В случае ежемесячного начисления сложного процента, начисляемые проценты добавляются к основной сумме каждый месяц, а в случае ежегодного — каждый год.
daily compounding, weekly compounding, biweekly compounding, monthly compounding, quarterly compounding, semi-annual compounding, annual compounding, discrete compounding, continuous compounding, compounding period, future value, rule of 72, accumulation factor, compound interest
daily compounding, weekly compounding, biweekly compounding, monthly compounding, quarterly compounding, semi-annual compounding, annual compounding, discrete compounding, continuous compounding, compounding period, future value, rule of 72, accumulation factor, compound interest
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исчисление сложных процентов.
Англо-русский экономический словарь.