
а) пол. дворец (резиденция короля, королевы, императора)

at the court of the French King. — во дворце короля Франции

the Court of St. James — Дворец Святого Джеймса (официальная резиденция монарха Великобритании и королевского двора)

б) пол. двор (король (королева, император и т. п.) и его окружение)

Court of Rome — папская курия

Members of the court plotted to remove the king and replace him with his brother. — Придворные организовали заговор, чтобы свергнуть короля и возвести на престол его брата.

monarch, king, queen, emperor
2) юр. суд; судьи; зал суда; судебное заседание

criminal [civil\] court — уголовный [гражданский\] суд

court order — распоряжение суда

contempt of court — неуважение к суду

in open court — на открытом заседании

The settlement was riched out of court. [The two parties riched an out-of-court settlement.\] — Разногласия были урегулированы без участия суда.

The court will retire for thirty minutes. — Суд удалился на получасовое совещание.

administrative court, admiralty court, maritime court, officer of court, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, circuit court, circuit court of appeals, constitutional court, county court, Court of Appeal, Court of Appeals, Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, Court of Auditors, Court of Claims, Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, Court of Customs Appeals, court of equity, Court of Federal Claims, Court of International Trade, Court of Session, Court of Veterans Appeals, court taxes, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks, court, municipal, and license clerks

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суд, судебное заседание, судебная инстанция.
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. . Словарь экономических терминов .

Англо-русский экономический словарь.