alcohol advertising on radio — реклама алкоголя на радио
Over 60 percent of alcohol advertising [on television\] is shown during sports programming
to broadcast advertising of gambling services — передавать в эфир рекламу игорных заведений
amount of advertising in the media — объем рекламы в СМИ
Asian governments have attempted to limit excessive consumptions by instituting strict control over the content and amount of advertising in the media.
advertising on buses — реклама на автобусах
Advertising [on buses\] is one of the important advertising means to which companies and establishments attach great importance because this type of advertisement is a mobile one seen by all.
two-thirds of the food and drink advertising for children under 12 — две трети всей рекламы продуктов питания для детей младше 12-ти лет
Last month, 10 companies that produce almost two-thirds of the food and drink advertising [for children\] under 12 agreed to start cutting back on advertising junk foods.
to distribute printing advertising — распространять печатную рекламу
No person shall within the city distribute [printed\] advertising by placing it within or upon parked automobiles.
to prevent alcohol advertising — не допустить рекламирования алкоголя
Alcohol advertising is the promotion of alcoholic beverages by alcohol producers through a variety of media.
to regulate advertising of gambling — регулировать рекламу игорного бизнеса
the control of medicines advertising in the UK — контроль за рекламой лекарств в Соединенном Королевстве
to specialize in advertising to women — специализироваться на рекламе для женщин
ATTRIBUTES: accessory 2. 1), advance 3. 2), aerial 3. 1), agricultural, air 2. 1),
alternative 2. 3), ambient 1. 1), audiovisual, auxiliary 2. 1), block 1. 4) а), boastful, broadcast 2. 1), n1, classified 1. 1), commercial 1. 4) а), comparative, competing 1. 1) а), competitive 1. 2) а), concept 1. 2) а), consumer 1. 1) а), continuity 1. 1) а), controversial 1. 1) а), cooperative 2. 1), n2, coordinated, corporate 1. 2) а), б, corrective 1. 1), creative, deceptive, demographic, denigratory, dissipative, domestic 1. 2) а),
foreign 1) б), global, professional 1. 3) б), regional, repeat 3. 3) б), strategic, superior 3. 1) б), test 3. 3) б), traditional
advertising counsellor [consultant\] — рекламный консультант, консультант по рекламе
advertising expert — рекламный эксперт, эксперт по рекламе
advertising textbook — учебник по рекламе
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реклама, рекламирование: использование печатных, теле-, радио- и иных посланий, оплаченных рекламодателем, для благоприятного воздействия на потенциальных покупателей товара или клиентов.
Англо-русский экономический словарь.