
occupational illness
страх., эк. тр. профессиональное заболевание (любое состояние организма, характеризующееся нарушениями в его функционировании, не связанное с производственной травмой, а вызванное воздействием факторов рабочей среды, напр., загазованностью; включает острые респираторные заболевания, пищевые отравления и т. д.)
occupational disease, job-related illness, job-related disease, work-related illness, work-related disease, industrial disease, industrial illness, on-the-job illness
all other occupational illnesses, occupational skin disease, dust diseases of the lungs, respiratory conditions due to toxic agents, poisoning, disorders due to physical agents, disorders associated with repeated trauma, black lung compensation, repetitive strain injury, occupational injury, occupational disability
all other occupational illnesses, occupational skin disease, dust diseases of the lungs, respiratory conditions due to toxic agents, poisoning, disorders due to physical agents, disorders associated with repeated trauma, black lung compensation, repetitive strain injury, occupational injury, occupational disability
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профессиональное заболевание

Англо-русский экономический словарь.