
1) общ. должность, служба, пост

elective office — выборная должность

oath of office — присяга при вступлении в должность, должностная присяга

accession to office — вступление в должность

continuance in office — пребывание в должности

execution of office — исполнение служебных обязанностей

the party in office — партия, находящаяся у власти

holder of office — должностное лицо

scramble for office — погоня за должностью, борьба за должность

to be in office, to hold office — быть у власти, занимать пост [должность\]

to enter upon the office, to come [get\] into office, to take office — приступать к исполнению служебных обязанностей, вступить в должность, придти к власти

to go out of office, to resign office — сложить с себя полномочия, уйти со службы [в отставку\]

He held office for 10 years. — Он занимал должность 10 лет.

abuse of office, official 1. 2), term of office, incumbent, office of profit, office of honour
2) упр. офис, кабинет, контора, канцелярия, отдел

post office — почтовое отделение

inquiry office — справочное бюро

office of information — информационное бюро

private office — личный [отдельный\] кабинет

The chairman's office is to the left. — Кабинет председателя налево.

advertising office, branch office, buyers office, cashier's office, director's office б) office block, office employee, office manager, office work, office worker, clerical work, paper work
а) гос. упр. ведомство, служба
Agricultural Trade Office, Export Development Office, register office, registry office, registration office, European Patent Office, Office of Antiboycott Compliance, Office of Defense Trade Controls, Office of Export Trading Company Affairs, Office of Foreign Assets Control, Office of Munitions Control, Office of Price Administration, Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices, Office of the United States Trade Representative, Office of the US Trade Representative, office of price stabilization, Statistical Office of the European Communities
б) брит. министерство

to be in office, to hold office — входить в состав правительства, иметь министерский портфель

agency, department 2) а)
Cabinet Office, Department for Constitutional Affairs, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Department for Culture, Media and Sport
4) упр. обязанность, задача, функция

to perform various little domestic offices — выполнять различные несложные домашние обязанности

5) общ. услуга

through smb.'s good offices — благодаря чьему-л. посредничеству

good offices
6) упр. конторские служащие, сотрудники, коллеги (как правило, с определенным артиклем)

The whole office was at her wedding. — На ее свадьбе присутствовали все ее коллеги.

director's office а) office staff, office and management personnel, office personnel

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офис, рабочее помещение.
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Англо-русский экономический словарь.