In 1572 the Swiss theologist Ludwig Lavater, also known as Ludovic Lavater (1527-1586), whose translated work heralded the introduction of the term hallucination to the English language, defined hallucinations as "Ghostes and spirites walking by nyght, and strange noyses, crackes, and sundry forwarnynges, whiche commonly happen before the death of menne, great slaughters and alterations of Kyngdomes."
Lavater, L. (1572). Of ghostes and spirites walking by nyght. Translated by Harrison, R. London: Richard Watkyns.
Sarbin, T.R., Juhasz, J.B. (1967). The historical background of the concept of hallucination. Journal ofthe History ofthe Behavioural Sciences, 5, 339-358.
Dictionary of Hallucinations. J.D. Blom. 2010.