
   Also known as diplohaptia. The term synchiria comes from the Greek words sun (together) and cheir (hand). It was introduced in or shortly before 1907 by the Welsh neurologist and psychoanalyst Alfred Ernest Jones (1879-1958) to denote a disorder of tactile function in which unilateral tactile stimulation produces bilateral tactile sensations. Conceptually as well as phe-nomenologically, synchiria is considered a variant of * allachaesthesia and * allochiria. It should not be confused with * phantom alloaesthesia.
   Critchley, M. (1953). The parietal lobes. London:
   Edward Arnold & Co. Jones, E. (1907). The precise diagnostic value of allochiria. Brain, 30, 490-532.

Dictionary of Hallucinations. . 2010.