In the 1860s, a movement for better education for girls and more social and political rights for womendeveloped. Aletta Ja cobsbecame the first Dutch woman to be admitted to academic study (she became a doctor of medicine at the University of Groningen in 1879); she was active in the movement for women’s and universal suffrage. In 1919, women’s suffrage was introduced in Dutch con stitutional law. After World War I, a new phase in the drive for women’s emancipation had come. In 1956, married women were granted full legal capacity in civil law; in 1970, divorce was facili tated; and in 1980, abortion was partly excluded from penal law. Opzij (1972– ) is a well-known feminist magazine.
See also Dolle Mina.
Historical Dictionary of the Netherlands. EdwART. 2012.