
   The Knesset is the supreme authority in the state, and its laws are theoretically the source of all power and authority, although in reality, decisions are made by the prime minister and the government (or cabinet) and ratified by the Knesset. The Knesset's name is derived from the Knesset Hagedola (Great Assembly), the supreme legislative body of the Jewish people after the Biblical period and prior to the Maccabean Revolt. The modern body is based, to a large extent, on the British model, adapted to Israel's needs and special requirements. It is a unicameral body of 120 members elected for 4-year terms by general, national, direct, equal, secret, and proportional suffrage in accordance with the Knesset Elections Law. Citizens may be elected to the Knesset if they are at least 21 years of age. The entire country elects all members; there are no separate constituencies. This system derives from that used by the World Zionist Organization and the Histadrut and other elements in the Yishuv prior to Israel's independence.
   All Israeli citizens age 18 and over may vote in Knesset elections without regard to sex, religion, or other factors, unless deprived of that right by a court of law. Voters cast their ballots for individual political parties, each with rival lists of candidates, rather than for individual candidates. Each party may present the voter with a list of up to 120 names—its choices for Knesset seats. An important part of the Knesset's work is done within the framework of its major committees: Committee for the Advancement of the Status of Women; Committee on Scientific and Technological Research and Development; Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee; Economics Committee; Education and Culture Committee; Finance Committee; House Committee; Foreign Affairs and Security Committee; Immigration (see ALIYA) and Absorption Committee; Interior and Environment Committee; Labor and Welfare Committee; and State Control Committee.
   See also Basic Law: the

Historical Dictionary of Israel. .