
   The geographical area of which part is occupied by the state of Israel. Palestine is one of the names for the territory that has also been known as the holy land or the land of Israel (Eretz Israel). The name is derived from the fact that it was called Palestina by the Greeks and the Romans because of the Philistines who lived in part of the region. During the period of Ottoman control, it was generally known by the Arabic Filastin, although it was part of the province of Syria. The League of Nations' Palestine mandate (see BRITISH MANDATE FOR PALESTINE) awarded to Great Britain included territory on both sides of the Jordan River, but Transjordan was soon separated, and only the area west of the river was referred to as the Palestine mandate between 1922 and 1948. With the establishment of Israel and the War of Independence (1948^49), Palestine ceased to exist as a geographical or political unit.

Historical Dictionary of Israel. .