de·lib·er·ate 1 /di-'li-bə-ˌrāt/ vb -at·ed, -at·ing
vi: to think about and weigh or discuss issues and decisions carefully
the jury retired to deliberate
vt: to think about or evaluate
de·lib·er·ate 2 /di-'li-bə-rət/ adj
1: characterized by or resulting from careful consideration; esp: characterized by or resulting from evaluation done in a cool state of blood and with a fixed purpose
deliberate murder compare premeditated
2: characterized by an understanding of the nature of a thing or act and its consequences
deliberate falsehoods
de·lib·er·ate·ly adv
de·lib·er·ate·ness n
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.