
I verb act against, act in opposition to, agitate against, antagonize, avert, be at cross purposes, be contrary, be inimical, be obstructive, bid against, challenge, clash, collide, come in conflict with, compete with, conflict with, confute, contend, contradict, contravene, counteract, countercheck, countermand, countervail, cross, deflect, defy, disapprove, fend, fight against, fight off, foil, frustrate by contrary action, go against, go contrary to, go in opposition to, hinder, hold at bay, hold off, hold out against, impede, inhibit, interfere, make a stand against, militate against, negate, not support, object, obstruct, oppose, pit against, play against, prevent, prohibit, protest, protest against, put in check, raise objections, rebuff, repel, resist, run in opposition to, set against, side against, stand against, strike back, suppress, take a stand against, take evasive action, take issue with, thwart, ward off, work against, work at cross purposes II index adverse (opposite), answer (reply), antipathetic (oppositional), balk, collide (clash), condemn (ban), contest, contra (adverb), contra (noun), contra (preposition), contradict, contradictory, contrary, controvert, counteract, countercharge, countervail, demonstrate (protest), discordant, disinclined, fight (counteract), foil, frustrate, gainsay, negate, offset, oppose, opposite, oppugn, parry, prevent, reply, resist (oppose), retaliate, retort, return (respond), setoff

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006