be dishonest, be evasive, be untruthful, bear false witness, beg the question, belie, conceal the truth, concoct, counterfeit, deceive, defraud, delude, deviate, deviate from the truth, dissemble, dissimulate, distort, dodge, dupe, elude, equivocate, evade, evade the truth, fabricate, falsify, feign, fence, fergiversate, fib, forswear, gloss over, hedge, hoodwink, invent, lie, make believe, mince the truth, misguide, misinform, mislead, misrepresent, misstate, palter, parry, perjure, pervert, pretend, put on, quibble, sham, shift, shuffle, sophisticate, speak falsely, stretch the truth, tell a falsehood, tell a lie, tell an untruth, tergiversari, tergiversate, twist the truth
associated concepts: false swearing, perjury
bear false witness, cheat, circumvent, deceive, equivocate, evade (deceive), fabricate (make up), feign, invent (falsify), lie (falsify), mislead, misrepresent, misstate, palter, pettifog, pretend
Burton's Legal Thesaurus.
William C. Burton.