
re·port 1 n: a usu. detailed account or statement: as
a: an account or statement of the facts of a case heard and of the decision and opinion of the court or of a quasi-judicial tribunal determining the case
b: a written submission of a question of law (as by a lower court) to an appellate court for review before final decision is entered
c: a usu. formal and sometimes official statement giving the conclusions and recommendations of a person (as a master) or group (as a legislative committee) authorized or delegated to consider a matter or proposal
the committee made an unfavorable report on the bill
d: a usu. formal account of the results of an investigation given by a person or group delegated or authorized to make the investigation
e: an analysis of operations and progress and a statement of future plans made at stated intervals by an administrator or executive or group of executives to those to whom such a report is owed
the board of directors issued its annual report to the stockholders
report 2 vt
1 a: to make a written record or summary of
report a case
b: to make a shorthand record of
2 a: to give a formal or official account or statement of
b: to return or present (a matter officially referred for consideration) with conclusions or recommendations; specif: report out
c: to announce or relate as the result of a special search, examination, or investigation
d: to make known to the proper authorities
report ed the fire
e: to make a charge of misconduct against
report ed him for harassment
1: to present oneself
report ed for jury duty
2: to make, issue, submit, or present a report
the committee will report this afternoon

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.