
I noun admonishment, advance notice, advice, alarm, animadversion, caution, caveat, censure, commonition, contraindication, contrariety, contrary advice, counsel, dehortation, deprecation, dissuasion, exhortation, expostulation, foreboding, forewarning, hindrance, increpation, indication, instruction, intimidation, judicial reprimand, monition, notice, notification, object lesson, objection, protest, rebuke, reminder, remonstrance, reprimand, reproach, reprobation, reproof, signal, stricture, warning II index caution (warning), caveat, charge (statement to the jury), criticism, deterrence, deterrent, diatribe, direction (guidance), guidance, impeachment, monition (warning), notice (warning), objurgation, rebuff, recommendation, remonstrance, reprimand, warning

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006