
I adjective ambiguous, anceps, boundless, cryptic, dubius, endless, equivocal, featureless, fluctuant, fluid, formless, hazy, ill-defined, immeasurable, in a state of uncertainty, in doubt, inarticulated, incalculable, incertus, inconclusive, indefinite, indistinct, infinite, interminable, limitless, measureless, nonspecific, not ascertained, not designated, not fixed, not fixed in extent, not made certain, not particularly designated, not precise, not settled, obscure, open, open to question, shapeless, speculative, termless, unbounded, uncertain, unclear, undecided, undefined, unfathomable, unfixed, unlimited, unmeasured, unordered, unresolved, unsettled, unspecified, vague, without bound, without end, without limit, without measure associated concepts: indeterminate damages, indeterminate penalty, indeterminate punishment, indeterminate sentence II index broad, casual, conditional, debatable, disputable, equivocal, generic, indefinite, nebulous, oblique (evasive), pending (unresolved), provisional, uncertain (ambiguous), undefinable, unspecified, vague

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