
I noun abstraction, aim, appraisal, apprehension, assessment, belief, calculation, cogitatio, conceit, concept, conception, conjecture, conviction, doctrine, dogma, estimate, estimation, evaluation, excogitation, fancy, guess, hypothesis, impression, inference, intent, intention, judgment, notio, notion, object, opinion, percept, perception, persuasion, plan, point of view, presupposition, product of imagination, purpose, reflection, sentiment, supposition, surmise, suspicion, tenet, theory, thought, train of thought, valuation, view, viewpoint II index apprehension (perception), clue, concept, connotation, end (intent), hint, import, intimation, meaning, notion, objective, opinion (belief), perception, project, proposal (suggestion), proposition, purpose, sense (feeling), substance (essential nature), suggestion, tenor

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006