
I (estrangement) noun abhorrence, abomination, acrimony, alienatio, animosity, antagonism, antipathy, aversion, bitterness, breach, break, deflection, disaffection, disfavor, disruption, division, enmity, execration, hostility, implacability, loathing, malevolence, malice, odium, rancor, rift, rupture, schism, separation, split, umbrage, unfriendliness, variance, withdrawal associated concepts: alienation of affections, alienation of power foreign phrases:
- Alienatio rei praefertur juri accrescendi. — Alienation is favored by the law rather than accumulation.
II (transfer of title) noun abalienatio, abalienation, assignation, assignment, cession, conferment, conferral, consignation, consignment, conveyance, conveyancing, deeding, deliverance, delivery, demise, enfeoffment, limitation, nonretention, selling, surrender, transference, transmission associated concepts: alienation clause, alienation of property III index assignment (transfer of ownership), conveyance, demise (conveyance), disposition (transfer of property), estrangement, feud, ill will, insanity, odium, separation, umbrage, variance (disagreement)

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