
I noun aspect, attribute, cast, constitution, differentia, differential, distinction, distinctive feature, distinguishing trait, essence, essential part, feature, humor, idiocrasy, idiosyncrasy, immanence, inclination, individuality, inherence, inhersion, leaning, liability, makeup, mannerism, marked feature, marked quality, nature, particularity, peculiar idiom, peculiarity, penchant, personal equation, point of difference, predilection, proclivity, proneness, propensity, property, proprietas, quality, quintessence, speciality, specialty, specific quality, tendency, trait, type, uniqueness associated concepts: characteristic of and peculiar to business of an employer, characteristic of work performed by an employee II index certain (specific), customary, demonstrative (illustrative), differential, disposition (inclination), distinct (distinguished from others), distinctive, general, identity (individuality), indicant, natural, nondescript, ordinary, particular (individual), particular (specific), particularity, peculiar (distinctive), personal (individual), prevailing (current), prevalent, property (distinctive attribute), quality (attribute), representative, specialty (distinctive mark), specific, symptom, trait, typical, usual

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