
ar·bi·tra·tion /ˌär-bə-'trā-shən/ n [Latin arbitratio, from arbitrari to judge, arbitrate, from arbiter onlooker, arbitrator]: the process of resolving a dispute (as between labor and management) or a grievance outside of the court system by presenting it to an impartial third party or panel for a decision that may or may not be binding compare mediation
final offer arbitration: interest arbitration in which the arbitrator must accept or reject the final offer of any party and may not decide to compromise
grievance arbitration: arbitration of a dispute over something in an existing collective bargaining agreement – called also rights arbitration; compare interest arbitration in this entry
interest arbitration: arbitration of a dispute over the provisions to be entered in a new contract compare grievance arbitration in this entry
rights arbitration: grievance arbitration in this entry
ar·bi·tra·tion·al /ˌär-bə-'trā-shə-nəl/ adj

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.