
I verb arrest, astrict, bar, barricade, be obstructive, block, block up, bridle, burden, checkmate, choke, close, close off, constrict, cumber, dam, deadlock, detain, exclude, forbid, foreclose, forestall, frustrate, hamper, handicap, hinder, hold back, hold in check, hold up, impede, impedire, impedite, intercept, interfere, keep out, obstruct, occlude, place limitations, plug, plug up, preclude, prevent, prevent passage, prohibit, put a stop to, repress, restrain, restrict, retard, shut off, stall, stand in the way of, stay, stifle, stop, stop short, stop up, stultify, stymie, suppress II index block, damper (stopper), hamper, hinder, impediment, interfere, interrupt, interruption, obstruction, obturate, stem (check), stop, trammel

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006