
I (concur) verb accede, accept, accord, acquiesce, agree, approve, arrive at an agreement, arrive at an understanding, arrive at terms, assent, be accordant, be at one with, be of the same mind, be one with, come to an agreement, come to an understanding, come to terms, conform to, consent, correspond, endorse, give assent, go along with, harmonize, meet, merge, nod assent to, subscribe to, synchronize, unite, yield assent II (correspond) verb accompany, be concomitant, be congruent, be contemporaneous, be identical, be simultaneous, coexist, concurrere, conform to, congruere, convenire, exist together, fall exactly together, fill identical times, fit exactly, go with, happen together, match III index agree (comply), certify (approve), comport (agree with), concur (coexist), correspond (be equivalent)

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