
I (antagonistic) adjective adverse, at issue, at variance, challenging, clashing, colliding, combatant, combative, combatting, competing, competitor/, conflicting, contending, contentious, contrary, counteractive, decided by competition vying, discordant, disputatious, dissident, emulative, in competition, opposing, oppugnant, rival, rivaling, striving, vying associated concepts: competitive bidding, competitive class, competitive examination, unfair competition II (open) adjective accessible to all, common, comprehensive, equal, free, free to all, general, nonexclusive, not partial, not privileged, open to the public, popular, public, unbounded, unclosed, unconfined, universal, unrestrained, unrestricted associated concepts: fair competition, free and open competition, unreasonable interference with competition III index contentious, hostile, jealous

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