
I (comprise) verb be composed of, be compounded of, be constituted of, be formed of, capere, comprehendere, consist of, embody, embrace, enfold, envelop, hold, include, incorporate, number, reckon among, subsist of associated concepts: containing facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action II (enclose) verb beleaguer, belt, bind, blockade, border, close in, confine, continere, embox, embrace, encapsulate, encase, encincture, encircle, enclasp, encompass, engird, ensphere, envelop, enwrap, fence in, frame, immure, incase, inclose, infold, keep in, quarantine, seal up, shut in, surround III (restrain) verb arrest, barricade, bind, block, bridle, cage, chain, check, commit to prison, confine, constrain, control, curb, detain, enchain, encumber, enjoin from, fetter, forfend, hinder, hold back, hold in check, hold in custody, impede, impound, imprison, incarcerate, inhibit, jail, keep in captivity, keep in check, keep prisoner, keep under arrest, keep under control, lock up, manacle, obstruct, pinion, place in durance, prohibit, quash, quell, repress, restrict, shackle, stave off, stop, subdue, suppress, thwart, trammel, ward off IV index accommodate, border (bound), circumscribe (surround by boundary), comprehend (include), comprise, confine, consist, constitute (compose), detain (hold in custody), detain (restrain), embrace (encircle), enclose, encompass (include), hold up (delay), include, incorporate (include), keep (restrain), limit, own, restrain, stifle

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006