
I verb abet, accede to, accredit, acquiesce in, adjust oneself to, advocate, affirm, agree to, aid, allow, approbare, approbate, approve, approve of, assent to, assist, back, be in favor of, charter, commend, concur in, confirm, consent to, corroborate, empower, endorse, favor, forward, further, give one's blessing, go along with, help, hold with, homologate, license, make allowances for, make valid, permittere, ratify, recognize, recommend, sanction, stand by, subscribe to, support, sustain, view with favor II index advocacy, aid (help), allow (endure), approval, approve, auspices, authorize, behalf, certify (approve), charter (sanction), concur (agree), condone, consent, demeanor, embrace (accept), endure (suffer), favor (sanction), favor, feature (appearance), foster, goodwill, indorse, justify, leave (permission), maintain (sustain), patronage (support), permission, recommend, sanction (permission), sanction, sufferance, uphold

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006