
pos·ses·sion /pə-'ze-shən/ n
1: the act, fact, or condition of having control of something: as
a: actual possession in this entry
b: constructive possession in this entry
c: knowing dominion and control over a controlled substance or other contraband
d in the civil law of Louisiana: the detention or enjoyment of a corporeal thing
e: control or occupancy of property
actual possession
1: direct occupancy, use, or control of real property
had actual possession of the land despite a lack of legal title
2: direct physical custody, care, or control of property or contraband (as illegal drugs)
actual possession is not necessary to sustain a convictionState v. Garrison, 896 S.W.2d 689 (1995)
adverse possession: actual possession of another's real property that is open, hostile, exclusive, continuous, adverse to the claim of the owner, often under a claim of right or color of title, and that may give rise to title in the possessor if carried out for a specified statutory period (as ten years); also: the method of acquiring title by such possession see also hostile possession and notorious possession in this entry compare prescription
civil possession in the civil law of Louisiana: possession that exists by virtue of an intent to be the owner of a property even though one no longer occupies or has physical control of it
constructive possession
1: possession that exists by virtue of a right (as by title) rather than direct occupancy or control
2: the knowing ability and sometimes intent to exercise dominion and control over something (as illegal drugs) either directly or through others
hostile possession: possession (as in adverse possession) that is antagonistic to the claims of all others (as a record owner) and that is carried out with the intention to possess the property exclusively
notorious possession: possession (as in adverse possession) that is so conspicuous that it is generally known by people in the vicinity of the property and so gives rise to a presumption that the owner has notice of it
precarious possession in the civil law of Louisiana: possession of property that is exercised by another (as a lessee) with the permission of or on behalf of the owner see also acquisitive prescription at prescription
2: something controlled, occupied, or owned
personal possession s

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.