
I noun alternate route, by-pass, by-passage, circuitous route, deflection, departure, deviation, deviation from a direct course, digression, diversion, excursion, indirect path, loop, roundabout course, temporary route, wrong course associated concepts: detour from course of employment, frolic and detour II verb aberrare, alter one's course, avoid, bypass, change direction, change the bearing, circuit, circumambulate, deflect, depart from, depart from one's course, deviate, deviate from a direct course, digredi, digress, diverge, divert, divert from its course, drift, encircle, excurse, go around, go out of one's way, go out of the path, go out of the way, go round about, make a circuit, meander, perform a circuit, ramble, sidestep, skirt, stray, swerve, take a circuitous route, take a roundabout course, take a temporary route, take an alternate highway, take an alternate route, take an indirect way, turn aside, vary, veer associated concepts: detour from course of employment, frolick and detour III index avoidance (evasion), deter, deviation, digress, digression

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