accrue, adolescere, advance, advance in successive gradation, alere, amplify, arise from, augeri, augment, become, become apparent, begin from, bring forth, bring into being, bring to a complete condition, bring to a more advanced state, bring to light by degrees, broaden, build up, cause to expand, cause to grow, change into, come gradually into existence, come to be, come to maturity, crescere, cultivate, derive from, descend from, detail, educare, elaborate, emanate, emerge, enlarge, enlarge upon, enter into detail, evolve, excolere, expand, expand upon, extend, fill in, fill out, further, germinate, give being to, give forth, give rise to, go into detail, grow, grow better, grow from, improve, increase the strength of, infuse, intensify, invigorate, magnify, make headway, make progress, mature, meliorate, mend, perfect, proceed, produce, progress, promote, raise, reach manhood, refine, reinforce, revive, ripen, shape up, show improvement, stimulate, strengthen, stretch, swell, take form, take shape, unfold, widen, work out in detail
accrue (arise), ameliorate, amplify, bear (yield), build (augment), cause, compose, compound, conceive (invent), constitute (establish), convert (change use), create, crystallize, cultivate, elaborate, engender, enhance, enlarge, ensue, establish (launch), evolve, expand, explicate, expound, extend (enlarge), forge (produce), generate, germinate, increase, make, mature, nurture, occur (happen), parlay (exploit successfully), progress, promote (organize), pullulate, reclaim, result, revise, succeed (follow)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus.
William C. Burton.