
I noun abasement, abjectness, abomination, attaint, bad character, bad name, bad report, bad reputation, bad repute, badge of infamy, baseness, blemish, blot, brand, cause of reproach, cause of shame, comedown, condition of infamy, contempt, debasement, defame, defilement, deflation, degradation, derogation, detestation, deviation from rectitude, disapprobation, disapproval, discredit, disesteem, disfavor, dishonor, disparagement, disreputability, disrepute, disrespect, embarrassment, exclusion from favor, humbled pride, humbling, humiliation, ignominia, ignominy, ill-favor, ill-repute, imputation, indignity, infamia, infamy, ingloriousness, loss of honor, loss of reputation, mortification, notoriety, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, reproach, scandal, sense of shame, setdown, shame, shamefacedness, shameful notoriety, slur, smear, smirch, stain, stigma, taint, tarnish, tarnished honor, turpitudo associated concepts: character evidence, reputation II verb abase, abash, affect dishonorably, attaint, be a reproach to, be unable to respect, besmear, blacken, blot, brand, bring down, bring into discredit, bring reproach upon, bring shame upon, cast a slur upon, cast dishonor upon, cast reproach upon, corrupt, debase, debunk, dedecorare, dedecori esse, defile, deflate, defrock, degrade, dehonestare, demean, demoralize, deny respect, depress, deride, derogate, diminish, disbar, discredit, dishonor, dismiss from favor, disrespect, downgrade, embarrass, fling dishonor upon, have no respect for, hold up to I shame, humiliate, impute shame to, involve in shame, lower, make unclean, mock, mortify, pillory, pollute, reflect discredit upon, reflect dishonor upon, reflect shame upon, ridicule, scandalize, shame, slur, smirch, soil, stain, stigmatize, sully, taint, tarnish, throw dishonor upon, treat with disfavor III index attaint, bad character, bad repute, brand, brand (stigmatize), corruption, debase, defame, defilement, degradation, demean (make lower), depreciate, derogate, discredit (noun), discredit (verb), dishonor (shame), dishonor (deprive of honor), disparage, humiliate, ignominy, ill repute, infamy, notoriety, obloquy, odium, onus (stigma), opprobrium, pillory, reduce, reproach (noun), reproach (verb), scandal, shame, stain, stigma, sully, tarnish

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