
I verb act contrary, affront, antagonize, balk, be unaccommodating, be unwilling, cause displeasuie, debase, decline, degrade, demur, denigrate, denounce, deprecate, disaccommodate, discommode, disdain, dishonor, disparage, disregard, fail to accommodate, fail to comply with, give offense to, ignore, incommode, incur disapproval, insult, malign, maltreat, neglect to obey, not accept, not comply with, not obey, offend, offendere, put out, rebuff, refuse, refuse to oblige, reject, repel, repudiate, scorn, shrink, slight, spite, spurn, traduce, treat with indignity, turn down, vilipend, withhold consent II index affront, disaffect, discommode, mistreat

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006