
I adjective agressive, alacritous, ambitious, anxious, appetent, ardent, aspiring, assiduous, athirst, avid, avidus, bent upon, covetous, craving, desirous, diligent, disposed, earnest, enthusiastic, excited, fanatic, fanatical, fervent, fervidus, forward, full of enterprise, full of enthusiasm, full of initiative, impassioned, impatient, inclined, industrious, intense, interested, keen, longing, passionate, perfervid, pushy, ravenous, ready, spirited, tantalized, tempted, unable to resist, vehement, voracious, willing, wishful, yearning, zealous, zestful II index earnest, fervent, hot-blooded, inclined, industrious, prompt, prone, ready (willing), sedulous, serious (devoted), solicitous, vehement, willing (desirous), zealous

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006