
I verb abolish, annihilate, annul, blast, blot out, bring to ruin, cancel, consume, cut down, deal destruction, demolish, deracinate, desolate, destroy, devastate, devour, dissolve, do away with, efface, eliminate, end, eradicare, eradicate, erase, excidere, exstirpare, exterminate, extinguish, get rid of, gut, lay waste, level, liquidate, nullify, obliterate, overturn, pluck out, pull out, pull up by the roots, purge, put an end to, quash, quell, ravage, raze, remove, render null, rid, root out, rub out, sacrifice, shatter, smash, stamp out, tear out, tear to pieces, unmake, uproot, weed out, wipe out II index abolish, bowdlerize, delete, destroy (efface), eliminate (eradicate), eradicate, expunge, extinguish, obliterate, overthrow, quash, redact, reject, remove (eliminate), subvert, supplant

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