
I noun charlatan, copy, counterfeit copy, emulation, fabrication, facsimile, false representation, falsehood, falsification, feigned copy, forged duplicate, forgery, fraud, fraudulent replica, hoax, imitation, imposter, pretender, quack, replica, reproduction, ruse, simulation, unauthorized reproduction associated concepts: counterfeit, forgery II verb act, act falsely, adulterate, affect, alter with intent to deceive, be deceitful, beguile, belie, bluff, cheat, claim falsely, counterfeit, cover up, cozen, deceive, decoy, defraud, delude, disguise, dissemble, dissimulate, distort, dupe, fabricate, falsify, feign, foist off, forge, go through the motions, hoax, hoodwink, imitate, lie, make a show of, make believe, malinger, mislead, misrepresent, pass off, plagiarize, portray falsely, pose as, prepare something specious, pretend, put on an act, put up a front, render spurious, sham, simulate, swindle, trick associated concepts: false pretenses III index assumed (feigned), camouflage, cloak, copy, counterfeit, deceive, deception, disguise, dishonest, fabricate (make up), false (not genuine), false pretense, falsification, falsify, fictitious, forge (counterfeit), forgery, frame (prearrange), fraudulent, hoax, imposture, invent (falsify), meretricious, misrepresent, mock (imitate), palter, pretend, sham, specious, spurious, untrue

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